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Detailed Daylight & Sunlight Assessments

Point 2 Surveyors pride themselves on the delivery of accurate and efficient advice on Daylight and Sunlight throughout the planning process to help unlock the development potential of sites across the UK

Innovative techniques ensure technical assessments are undertaken in line with national standards, namely the ‘Building Research Establishment BRE Guidelines: ‘Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight – A Guide to Good Practice’ 2011, and the British Standard Code of Practice for Daylighting, BS8206, Part 2

Point 2 use specialist in-house software to facilitate the accurate running of the key BRE forms of Daylight and Sunlight assessment; Vertical Sky Component VSC, No Sky Line NSL and Annual Probable Sunlight Hours APSH tests The Average Daylight Factor ADF test is also used to measure the standard of daylighting within new development

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